How to Be Next Year's Good News

It's time to plan to how and where your company will be featured in the logistics and supply chain media in 2023.

There is no shortage of opportunities, and they start with editorial calendars. Almost all trade publications covering our industry produce these calendars which are usually included in their annual media kits. They herald what will be covered for the next year and are usually available between October—December.

Make a list of the publications that best cover your business niche. Check their websites under "advertising" for media kits and then download the 2023 editorial calendar. Here you will find the major topics and feature articles planned for each edition. 

Next, match up your executives and subject-matter experts with the calendar topics they can speak to with authority.

Take your list and email pitches to editors two to three months in advance of the actual publication date. Offer them a subject matter expert who can provide non-promotional information and solutions that will help their readers improve their supply chain and business performance.

On your end, establish trust and respect with editors by providing credible content. The expert you pitch should have a passion for their area of expertise that will make it unnecessary for any kind of promotional spin. 

You can also propose an article written by one of your executives that provides truly useful insights about how readers can solve one or more of their more significant business challenges.

If your pitch is successful and your information is published, you will have created "earned media"—content about your company that you don't pay for as you would for advertising. One of the most important benefits of earned media is it comes from an independent source. Also, surveys show earned media tends to be trusted more than information found via social media.

Earned media in the supply chain and transportation industry lets your most important external and internal audiences see you as you actually are—a competent expert and provider of reliable services and products that can contribute to their business success.

Do potential new customers know you are an expert? Probably not, because if they did, they would likely already be your customers. So, get out there and tell them in 2023—contact James Street to help you do it.

News Teaser: 
It's time to plan to how and where your company will be featured in the logistics and supply chain media in 2023.
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    , 2022